9:00 am |
AmCham Education and Training Committee Mission: ‘Contribute to the development of a globally competitive workforce in Vietnam.’
Welcome and brief introductions |
9:15 am |
Industry Update (reps share current outlook)
- K-12,
- HigherEd, and
- Industry
9:25 am |
Safeguarding / Child Protection Update
- Update on preparation for February 29th 2024
9:30 am |
Life-Long Learning / Skills Gap update
- Skills Gap and Workforce Development Survey ??
- Potential to re-share survey
- Facilitate an event – industry and education to discuss the skills gap through Illuminate Series (What does industry need, what can education provide? Networks and connections)
—- Planning an illuminate discussion for 18 January 9-11am |
9:35 am |
Digitization of Learning: Accelerate the implementation of digitization of education
Brian O’Reilly,
- Sub-Committee Membership
- Illuminate Event – The next big things in Digital Education: A vision of the future learning experience — Planning for November. Perhaps Fulbright University will be willing to host the event at their D7 Campus. Format would be include a keynote speaker (from Fulbright?) and possible panelists from RMIT, SSIS, Microsoft, Google, VNG, and MoMo. This is still early stages of planning. Committee members interested to contribute can contact the committee leaders.
– Proposing 6 December 9-11am (usual Ed&Training Meeting Time) |
9:40 am |
Illuminate Series
Kim Green, International School Ho Chi Minh City
- Onboarding Expatriate Educators into Vietnam
- Crisis Readiness in the Education Sector
—– Dates to be confirmed: 20 March, 17 April, 15 May |
9:50 am |
VBF Update
Brian O’Reilly |
9:55 am |
ED Update |
10:00 am |
Meeting adjourned
Bob Connolly |