FAQ: Can an American retiree receive his/her check in Vietnam?

I heard lot of stories that you have to go to the consulate office monthly to pick up check etc… If I were to retire in Vietnam can my SS check be sent to my account in the US, lets say Bank of America?


The short answer is that you should arrange to have Social Security make electronic deposits to your bank in the USA. Then you can access the funds here in Vietnam by arranging a wire transfer from your USA bank to your bank in VN. If your bank operates in both the U.S. and in Vietnam, it might be simpler

To get the definitive answer, you should ask the U.S. Consulate General “American Citizens Services” section by email or visit it, which is open 8:30 – 11:30 Mon-Thu, and CLOSED to the public on Fr, except for emergencies.

American Citizen Services, U.S. Consulate General
4 Le Duan Blvd., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Email: [email protected].

To request information, you may contact the American Citizen Services unit via email. Please note that the American Citizen Services unit does not have information regarding visas. Inquiries regarding immigrant and non-immigrant visas should be directed to the Consulate General’s Information team at [email protected]


Read more …

For further details, see Your Social Security Payments While You Are Outside The United States

Also, http://www.expat-blog.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=28542

Click on the image below for a close-up view.

U.S. Social Security while in Vietnam